The school facilities consist of mainly double storey teaching blocks with some double teaching areas. There is a good-sized irrigated oval and the shire pool adjoins the school boundary.
The student services centre accommodates the learning support staff and is the base location for the specialists including Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist and Physio Therapist.
The school buildings are air-conditioned and include a fully equipped art room, home economics room, manual arts block, construction courtyard, graphics room and a science lab. The music centre provides room for music instruction by the class teacher.
Our school is fully networked with computers in nearly all classrooms, giving students quick access to internet, email and a wide range of software. Every primary class has access to several computers in their classroom, while there are also computer labs in the upper primary/secondary school.
The school as a library which is fully automated, connected to the internet and is resourced with current materials.
There is a covered play area and the Parent and Citizens Association has erected a large shaded multipurpose games area.